Saturday, 4 January 2014

Past Lives and a Wardrobe of Outfits.

In November last year, as our airport bus transfer stopped to pick up fresh passengers, my friend Anne and I tried hard to keep our eyes open. We had been awake for around 25 hours after getting transfers, waiting at LA Airport for hours and flying back to Brisbane from LA.

Me and my friend Anne, who was brilliant traveling companion
We woke up really quickly as the bus began to permeate the worst body odor we had ever encountered. The two girls in front of us covered their noses with tissues politely but in our delirious state we began laughing, we thought it was the most hilarious thing that had ever happened. A quick glance around the small bus revealed a young man sitting at the back looking slightly embarrassed. As I turned back to my friend I exploded into uncontrollable laughter as she had two scented wet cloths stuck up her nose..with a devilish smile on her face. It really was bad and perhaps the bus will never recover. (for any Seinfeld fans reading this, you will recall an episode that had this theme)  Being human and having a body to care for is obviously too much for some of us sometimes!

I had a wonderful time in LA. The conference we went to the 'I Can Do It ' was an inspiring event hosted by Hay House and I had a great time doing my first book signing for my book 'For the Love of Spirit'

Me at the book signing in Pasadena for my book 'For the Love of Spirit"
 We connected with some lovely people and I guess my highlight was re connecting with the amazing Denise Linn and her daughter, Meadow as well as seeing Louise Hay, Doreen Virtue and being introduced to the power of 'Tapping' with Nick Ortner.

On top of that I saw Beverly Hills, the Hollywood Hills, Rodeo Drive, Malibu and movie star houses, and I loved every minute of it. We ate in a celebrity restaurant, The Ivy, in Beverly Hills, ate incredible food and paid $90 for a bottle of wine by accident but loved every drop and again, laughed ourselves silly.

However, something else happened to me there, I breathed, sensed and felt L.A. Perhaps not just L.A but the land of the US itself, I somehow absorbed the energy there and my intuition told me I had somewhere, sometime been there before. I felt a connection deeper than the obvious surroundings, I felt a connection to the earth and the land there.

Me with the gorgeous Denise Linn and her beautiful daughter Meadow Linn
How many of you have felt that in a certain location ? Many of you I am sure.  It got me thinking about our souls, our personalities and our bodies.  Maybe when we are in the Spirit World, we have a wardrobe full of different outfits, maybe we are made of light and before we come to earth we go to the wardrobe and choose an outfit. Mmm.... will I play the role of the Native American Indian, the outback Aussie, a homeless person, a devout religious Nun or perhaps a nobody from the suburbs this time, what do I need to learn, what outfit is most appropriate?  All the time we are the same soul.

One question that I get asked repeatedly in my work is this one; 'If my loved one has died and re incarnated, how can they come through in a medium reading?'

Well, first of all I am not God of any sort, so who the heck knows for sure, but one of my theories is that there is no linear time as we know it. Linear time is an illusion and if that is true, the past present and future are all one. So, if your loved one has reincarnated, you can still tap into them on a timeless type of connection.

And in the end love is the power that bonds us and separation is an illusion. If someone you love has already made their transition to the other side and you loved them and they loved you, it is my firm belief that you cannot lose them through the ethereal layers, it's true they remain in your heart in a very real way.

So the message of this post? Laugh, live and trust where you feel connected and know that love is truly your ticket to a never ending story, that being life itself.

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Letting Go of Outcomes

As I drove along a bendy road in the lush green bush, the afternoon sun was gently filtering through the damp forest roadside trees. The familiar hum of my car was strangely comforting as it was practically driving itself home and I found myself thinking about decisions I need to make. Things happening in my children's lives, my husbands life, my mother's life, worrying about this situation, that possibility and then, out of the blue........there was a moment, there was an epiphany....what if I just accepted everything that is happening in my life completely as it okay...warts and all?

My conscious experience always seems in the middle of something, looking for an end, a completion and in the meantime I am often missing the middle, the journey because I am wanting to fix this, change that and do something differently and all too often, I want to control the outcome.

But....what if....everything as it is in this moment is okay, is perfect, although it may be unfinished, unclear, unsure and uncertain how it will end find that level of contentment without pushing, pulling and trying to make an outcome happen.....when I  arrive at that space in myself,  there is a sense of peace that is so sweet.  I think it is called 'trust'

The outcome of any given situation may be so much better than we plan if we give it a bit of room to just be, to just breathe.  The universe has a way of knowing us better than we know ourselves including what we need.

One affirmation I heard from Louise Hay has been firmly planted in my mind. 'Life Loves Us' and I believe it does.  Life will often provide a doorway, an opportunity or a twist in our paths that we would never have imagined and often better than we imagined.

Whatever is happening in our lives, it will change, change is guaranteed.  We have to make the choice are we going to buy into the stress of future outcomes that haven't yet occurred or are we going to learn to trust our intuition, think positively and trust the universe is there to support us?

As we now enter a new year, our enthusiasm about the future is at a high peak, which can only be a good thing for the collective consciousness so let's take advantage of that and move forward with faith and positivity.

My affirmation for the new year is;  'Everything is working out perfectly'

May your 2014 be absolutely amazing where you break barriers, jump hurdles with ease and feel more love than you ever felt possible.  Remember, life loves you!